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Git Command Cheatsheet

Configure an alias

git config --global alias.acp '!f() { git add -A && git commit -m "$@" && git push; }; f'

List all variables in the config file git config -l

Update a global alias

As with any other config option you can set the value, replacing the old one, by running git config --global <value here>. The problem you're running into is that when you want spaces in the value you're setting, you need to use quotes:

git config --global "diff --stat"

List all configured aliases

git config --get-regexp alias

Remove an alias

git config --global --unset alias.NAME

Remove file from Git Version Control

Remove a file from git tracking without deleting it from the working directory

git rm --cached filename

Reset current staging index and working directory back to the HEAD or any other commit

git reset HEAD/<commit-id>

Delete a remote branch

git push <remote> --delete <branch>

For example:

git push origin --delete fix/authentication````