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Software Licenses - An overview

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When it comes to creating software, one of the most important decisions you'll make is choosing the right license. Software licenses are legal agreements that govern how others can use, modify, and distribute your code. They're crucial for protecting your intellectual property rights while also determining the level of openness and collaboration around your project. In this blog post, we'll dive into the world of software licenses, exploring the key differences between some of the most popular options - the MIT License, Apache License 2.0, GNU General Public License (GPL), and GNU Lesser General Public License (LGPL). We'll use real-world examples to illustrate how these licenses work in practice, helping you make an informed decision for your own software projects.

What are Software Licenses?

Software licenses are legal agreements that govern how software can be used, modified, and distributed. They define the rights and restrictions associated with a particular software program or codebase. These licenses are crucial for protecting the intellectual property rights of software developers and ensuring the software is used in accordance with the creator's intentions.

Software licenses can take many forms, ranging from highly permissive open-source licenses like the MIT License to more restrictive proprietary licenses used by commercial software vendors. Each license has its own unique set of terms and conditions that users must abide by when using the software.

For example, the MIT License is a popular open-source license that allows users to freely use, modify, and distribute the software, even for commercial purposes, as long as they include the original copyright notice and disclaimer. On the other hand, a proprietary license for a commercial software product might restrict users from making any modifications or redistributing the software without the explicit permission of the copyright holder.

Understanding the different types of software licenses and their implications is essential for both software developers and users. It helps ensure legal compliance, protect intellectual property rights, and foster a healthy ecosystem of software innovation and collaboration.

Why Should You Use Software Licenses? 1

Using software licenses is crucial for several reasons:

  1. Intellectual Property Protection: Software licenses help software developers and creators protect their intellectual property rights. By clearly defining the terms of use, licenses prevent unauthorized copying, distribution, or modification of the software.

  2. Legal Compliance: Software licenses ensure that users of the software are aware of and comply with the terms and conditions set by the copyright holder. This helps avoid legal disputes and potential lawsuits.

  3. Fostering Collaboration: Open-source software licenses, such as the GPL or Apache License, encourage collaboration and contribution by allowing developers to build upon existing code and share their work with the community.

  4. Commercial Viability: Proprietary software licenses enable software companies to commercialize their products and generate revenue, which supports the continued development and maintenance of the software.

  5. User Transparency: Software licenses provide users with clear information about their rights and responsibilities when using the software, promoting transparency and trust.

  6. Ecosystem Development: The use of compatible software licenses across different projects and codebases helps create a thriving ecosystem of software tools and applications that can be easily integrated and shared.

By carefully selecting and applying the appropriate software license, developers and organizations can strike the right balance between protecting their intellectual property, fostering collaboration, and enabling the commercial success of their software products.

What Will a Lack of Software License Result In?

When software is released without a clearly defined license, it can lead to a range of issues and complications for both the software creators and users. Here are some of the potential consequences of not having a software license:

Without a license, the legal status of the software becomes unclear. It's uncertain whether users have the right to use, modify, or distribute the software, leading to potential legal disputes and liabilities. This can discourage potential users from adopting the software, as they may be unsure of the legal risks involved.

For example, imagine a developer creates a new productivity app and shares it online without specifying a license. A user might start using the app in their business, only to receive a cease-and-desist letter from the developer claiming unauthorized use. This can create a stressful and costly legal situation for both parties.

Lack of Collaboration and Contribution

Without a clear licensing framework, it becomes difficult for the software community to collaborate and contribute to the project. Developers may be hesitant to build upon the codebase or submit bug fixes and improvements, as they're unsure of the legal implications.

Consider a scenario where a developer wants to use an unlicensed open-source library in their project. They may be reluctant to do so, as they can't be certain of their rights to modify or redistribute the code. This can limit the growth and adoption of the software, as the community is unable to actively participate in its development.

Commercialization Challenges

The absence of a software license can also hinder the ability to commercialize the software. Without a clear legal framework, it becomes difficult to establish ownership, distribute the software, or generate revenue from it.

Imagine a startup developing a new data analysis tool. If they release the software without a license, they may struggle to monetize it or protect their intellectual property. This can make it challenging to attract investors, secure partnerships, or build a sustainable business model around the software.

Reputational Damage

The lack of a software license can also damage the reputation of the software creator. Users may perceive the software as unprofessional or untrustworthy, as they can't be certain of the creator's intentions or the software's long-term viability.

For example, a developer who releases a popular open-source library without a license may be viewed as irresponsible or careless by the community. This can make it harder for them to gain trust, attract contributors, or secure funding for future projects.

To avoid these pitfalls and ensure the long-term success of a software project, it's crucial to choose and apply an appropriate software license that aligns with the project's goals and the creator's intentions. By providing clear legal guidelines, software licenses can protect the rights of both the creators and users, fostering a healthy and collaborative software ecosystem.

Categories of Official Software Licenses

Software licenses can be broadly categorized into two main groups: open-source licenses and proprietary licenses. Each category has its own unique characteristics and implications for users and developers.

Open-Source Licenses

Open-source licenses are a set of licenses that allow users to freely use, modify, and distribute the software, often with the requirement to share any modifications or derivative works under the same license terms. These licenses are designed to promote collaboration, transparency, and the free exchange of ideas within the software development community.

Some of the most popular open-source licenses include:

  1. MIT License: A highly permissive license that allows for almost any use, modification, and distribution of the software, even in proprietary products, as long as the original copyright notice and disclaimer are included.

  2. Apache License 2.0: Similar to the MIT License in its permissiveness, but with the added benefit of an explicit patent license grant from contributors, as well as some additional requirements around documentation and changes.

  3. GNU General Public License (GPL): A strong "copyleft" license that requires any derivative works to be licensed under the same GPL terms, ensuring the software remains open source and free for everyone to use, modify, and distribute.

  4. GNU Lesser General Public License (LGPL): A more permissive variant of the GPL that allows the software to be linked with proprietary code, while still requiring the LGPL-licensed portions to be made available under the same terms.

Proprietary Licenses

Proprietary licenses, also known as commercial or closed-source licenses, are used by software companies and developers to maintain control over their intellectual property and restrict the use, modification, and distribution of their software. These licenses typically do not allow users to access or modify the source code, and they often come with specific terms and conditions regarding the software's usage and distribution.

Proprietary licenses can vary greatly in their terms and restrictions, but they generally share the following characteristics:

  1. Restricted Use: Proprietary licenses typically limit the number of users, devices, or installations allowed for the software, and may prohibit certain types of use, such as commercial or educational purposes.

  2. No Access to Source Code: Users are typically only granted access to the compiled, executable version of the software and are not allowed to view or modify the underlying source code.

  3. Limited Redistribution: Proprietary licenses usually prohibit users from redistributing or reselling the software, as the software remains the exclusive property of the copyright holder.

  4. Paid Licensing: Proprietary software is often sold under a paid licensing model, where users must purchase a license to use the software legally.

Examples of proprietary software licenses include the ** Microsoft Software License Terms, the Adobe End-User License Agreement, and the Apple macOS End-User License Agreement. **

More on Open-Source Licenses

MIT License: The Open-Source Superstar

Imagine you're a talented artist, and you've just created a stunning digital painting. You want to share your creation with the world, but you also want to protect your rights as the original artist. Enter the MIT License - the perfect choice for your digital masterpiece.

The MIT License is the most permissive open-source license out there. It basically says, "Hey, world! Feel free to use my painting however you want, even in your own commercial projects. Just make sure you give me credit and don't sue me if anything goes wrong." This makes it incredibly popular among developers who want to encourage widespread adoption and collaboration while still maintaining some control over their work.

For example, let's say you use an MIT-licensed library in your latest app. You can freely incorporate it into your project, even if you plan to sell your app for profit. The only catch is that you need to include the original MIT License text and a copy of the copyright notice in your app's documentation. Easy peasy!

Apache License 2.0: The Patent-Friendly Sibling

The Apache License 2.0 is a close cousin to the MIT License, sharing its open-source spirit and permissive nature. However, it has a few key differences that make it stand out.

One of the most notable features of the Apache License is its explicit patent grant. This means that if you contribute code to an Apache-licensed project, you're automatically granting a patent license to anyone who uses your contribution. This provides an extra layer of protection for users, ensuring they won't get sued for patent infringement by the original contributors.

Imagine you're a tech giant like Google, and you've just released a groundbreaking new AI algorithm under the Apache License 2.0. By doing so, you're not only sharing your innovation with the world but also giving users the peace of mind that they can use your code without fear of legal repercussions. This makes the Apache License a popular choice for projects that involve cutting-edge technologies and complex patent landscapes.

GPL: The Copyleft Crusader

While the MIT and Apache Licenses are all about openness and flexibility, the GNU General Public License (GPL) takes a different approach. It's a "copyleft" license, which means that if you use GPL-licensed code in your project, your entire project must also be licensed under GPL. This ensures that the code stays open source and free for everyone to use, modify, and share.

Imagine you're a passionate open-source advocate, and you've created a revolutionary new operating system called "FreeOS." You decide to license it under the GPL, which means that anyone who wants to use, modify, or distribute FreeOS must make their changes available under the same GPL terms. This creates a ripple effect, ensuring that the open-source ecosystem continues to grow and thrive.

One of the most famous examples of the GPL in action is the Linux operating system. Linux is licensed under the GPL, which means that any modifications or additions to the Linux kernel must also be released under the GPL. This has led to a vibrant community of developers contributing to the project, knowing that their work will remain open source and accessible to everyone.

LGPL: The Compromise King

The GNU Lesser General Public License (LGPL) is a bit like the middle child of the software licensing world. It's a compromise between the permissive MIT/Apache Licenses and the restrictive GPL.

The LGPL allows you to link your proprietary code with LGPL-licensed libraries, without having to open source your entire application. However, you do have to provide the source code for the LGPL parts. This makes it a popular choice for developers who want to use open-source libraries in their proprietary projects without having to give away their entire codebase.

Imagine you're a game developer working on the next big hit. You decide to use an LGPL-licensed audio library in your game to handle sound effects and music. By doing so, you only need to share the source code for the audio library itself, not the entire game. This allows you to maintain control over your intellectual property while still benefiting from the power of open-source tools.


Here're some tables and explanations that can help you decide which license to choose for open-source projects. 2

MITThe MIT license is the most open and flexible. It basically says you can do almost anything you want with the software, including using it in your own commercial products, without having to share your own code. For example, if you use an MIT-licensed library in your app, you don't have to share the source code of your entire app - you just need to include the original MIT license.
Apache 2.0The Apache license is also very open, similar to MIT. The main difference is that it provides an explicit patent license, meaning the original contributors won't sue you for using their patented technology. It also has some additional requirements, like including the full license text and noting significant changes. For example, if you use an Apache-licensed component in your software, you'd need to include the full Apache license and document any major modifications you made.
GPLThe GPL license is the most restrictive of the bunch. It has a "copyleft" provision, which means that if you use GPL-licensed code in your project, your entire project must also be licensed under GPL. This ensures the code stays open source. For example, if you use a GPL-licensed library in your app, you'd have to release the full source code of your app under the GPL license as well.
LGPLThe LGPL is a compromise between the permissive MIT/Apache licenses and the restrictive GPL. It allows you to link your proprietary code with LGPL-licensed libraries, without having to open source your entire application. However, you do have to provide the source code for the LGPL parts. For example, if you use an LGPL-licensed logging library in your app, you'd only need to share the source code for that library, not your entire application.
Table 1: Popular Open-Sourced Lincenses Explained. Courtesy of: Apoorva Joshi

Software License Cheatsheet

This cheatsheet provides a quick reference guide to help you select the appropriate software license for your project based on your goals and requirements.

Open-Source Licenses

LicensePermissivenessCopyleftPatent GrantKey Features
MIT LicenseHighNoNo- Highly permissive
- Allows commercial use and modifications
- Requires including original copyright notice
Apache License 2.0HighNoYes- Permissive like MIT
- Provides explicit patent license grant
- Requires including license text and documenting changes
GNU GPLLowStrongNo- Requires derivative works to be licensed under GPL
- Ensures code remains open source and free to use/modify
- Applies to the entire work if combined with GPL code
GNU LGPLMediumWeakNo- Allows linking with proprietary code
- Requires source code for LGPL portions to be available
- Intended for libraries and frameworks used in proprietary apps

In summary: 3

  • MIT is the most open - you can do almost anything, including using it in closed-source commercial products.
  • Apache is also very open, with an added patent license and some extra requirements.
  • GPL is the most restrictive - it requires your entire project to be open source if you use GPL-licensed code.
  • LGPL is a middle ground, allowing you to use the libraries in proprietary software, but still requiring you to share the LGPL parts.

The choice depends on your goals - whether you want to encourage open source contributions, allow proprietary use, or find a balance between the two.

Choosing the Right License

When selecting a software license, consider the following factors:

  1. Desired Level of Openness: Do you want to encourage open-source collaboration, or maintain more control over your intellectual property?
  2. Commercial Considerations: Do you plan to commercialize the software, or is it intended for non-commercial use?
  3. Compatibility with Dependencies: Ensure the license you choose is compatible with any open-source components or libraries you plan to use.
  4. Community Standards: Align with the licensing practices commonly used in your target software ecosystem.

Remember, consulting with a legal professional can help ensure you choose the most appropriate license for your specific needs and requirements.


Choosing the right software license is a crucial decision that can have far-reaching consequences for your project. The MIT License offers maximum openness and flexibility, the Apache License 2.0 adds a patent-friendly twist, the GPL enforces a strong copyleft policy, and the LGPL strikes a balance between open source and proprietary code.

When selecting a license, consider your project's goals, the level of openness you want to encourage, and the needs of your target audience. Remember, there's no one-size-fits-all solution - the best license for your project will depend on your unique circumstances and aspirations.

So, whether you're a digital artist sharing your work with the world, a tech giant releasing cutting-edge AI, an open-source advocate building the next great operating system, or a game developer leveraging the power of open-source libraries, choose your software license wisely and let the code revolution begin!

Till next time! 👊🏽😉👊🏽



  1. "What is a Software License? Everything You Need to Know." SearchCIO, TechTarget,

  2. Carey, Patrick. "Five Types of Software Licenses You Need to Understand | Synopsys Blog." Synopsys, 10 Feb. 2023,

  3. "Licenses." Choose a License,